Joseph Flasher, University of Colorado:
Research project:
* Constraints on the properties of the massive stars progenitors of the long Gamma-Ray Bursts through time-variable opacities in their environment: the case of GRB 021004.

Kevin Heng, University of Colorado:
Research projects:
* Calculation of time-dependent dust echoes in Gamma-Ray Bursts.
* Determination of the extinction curve in the host galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts,

Enrico Bozzo, University of Rome (visitor at Colorado):
Research projects:
* Spin-up/spin-down transitions in accreting X-ray Binaries.
* The propeller mechanism in accreting binaries.

Anna Pietarila, University of Oslo and NCAR (Boulder)
Research project:
* Timing differences in the outbursts of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters.

Peter Robinson, University of Colorado
Research project:
* Computation of the rest-frame Ultraviolet Spectra of Gamma-Ray Bursts from massive rapidly-rotating stellar progenitors.

Federico Bernardini, University of Rome (visitor at Colorado)
Research project:
* Spectral and timing analysis of the quiescent state of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTEJ1810-197.

Ting Yan, University of Colorado
Research project:
* The influence of fallback disks on the birth properties of neutron stars.

Daniele Vigano', University of Alicante (visitor at Colorado)
Research projects:
* Magnetothermal evolution of isolated neutron stars, and observational predictions for spectra and light curves.

Sebastien Guillot, McGill University (visitor at Colorado)
Research project:
* Constraints on the magnetic topology of magnetars in quiescence through spectral and timing analysis of their X-ray emission.

Taeho Ryu, Stony Brook University
Research projects:
* Astrophysical applications of few-body scatterings, Hot Jupiters

Shawn Hoose (Undergraduate), Stony Brook University
Research project:
* Convection in Hot Jupiters

Samantha Scibelli (Undergraduate), Stony Brook University
Research project:
* Caustics in Spiral Galaxy Lensing

Jason Alford, Columbia University (co-advised)
Research project:
* Modeling of the X-ray spectrum of the central compact object Puppis A

Yihan Wang, Stony Brook University
Research projects:
* Tidal disruption events, hypervelocity stars, binary supermassive black holes, planetary architectures, etc.

Michael Ray, Stony Brook University (Master Thesis)
Research project:
* Time-dependent photoabsorption of GRB spectra in AGN disks

Claudia Soriano, University of Barcelona (co-advised)
Research project:
* Turbulence in the atmospheres of hot Jupiters

Chaitanya Prasad, Stony Brook University
Research project:
* Tidal disruption events in AGN disks.

Marguerite Epstein-Martin, Columbia University (co-advised)
Research project:
* Time-dependent AGN disks with feedback from accreting black holes

Chengcheng Xin, Columbia University (co-advised)
Research project:
* Tidal disrupton at low eccentricity

Hoyoung Kang, Stony Brook University (Master Thesis)
Research project:
* GRBs in AGN disks

Gaia Fabj, Niels Bohr Institute (co-advised)
Research project:
* Star evolution in AGN disks