Schedule Overview:
The RC will be available ONLY February 1-19, after which it will be
replaced by SIMON.
The RC queue has 3.5 hours on every odd-numbered night.
The GSU 12B-01 program will be executed
on every even-numbered night.
Instructions for Proposers Awarded Service Time
NOW AVAILABLE: The Stony Brook/SMARTS Spectral Standards Database
Go back to:
2003A Service Observing Schedule
||| 2003B Service Observing Schedule
2004A Service Observing Schedule ||| 2004B Service Observing Schedule
2005A Service Observing Schedule ||| 2005B Service Observing Schedule
2006A Service Observing Schedule |||2006B Service Observing Schedule
2007A Service Observing Schedule |||2007B Service Observing Schedule
2008A Service Observing Schedule |||2008B Service Observing Schedule
2009A Service Observing Schedule |||2009B Service Observing Schedule
2010A Service Observing Schedule |||2010B Service Observing Schedule
2011A Service Observing Schedule |||2011B Service Observing Schedule
2012A Service Observing Schedule |||2012B Service Observing Schedule
2013A Service Observing Schedule
Date | Grating | Setup | Plan | Targets | Log | Programs | Notes |
February 1 | 47 | 47/Ib | 130201.plan | target log | 130201.log | GSU 12A-04, NOAO 12b-0174, NOAO 12A-388 SUNY 12B-11, VAND 12B-01 |
Clear |
February 2 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130202.log | GSU 12B-01 | Clear |
February 3 | 26 | 26/Ia | 130203.plan | target log | 130203.log | NOAO 11b-44, NOAO 12b-0232 SUNY 12b-11, Yale 12b-09 |
Clear; thin cloud |
February 4 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130204.log | GSU 12B-01 | Clear; Humid |
February 5 | 13 | 13/I | 130205.plan | target log Data | 130205.log | YALE 12a-02 | Clear, Humid; program not completed |
February 6 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130206.log | GSU 12B-01 | Partly cloudy |
February 7 | 26 | 26/Ia | 130207.plan | target log | 130207.log | NOAO 12b-0232, SUNY 12b-11 | This Cloud |
February 8 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130208.log | GSU 12B-01 | This Cloud |
February 9 | 47 | 47/II | 130209.plan | target log | 130209.log | HAO 13a-01, SUNY 13A-11 | Humid; program not completed |
February 10 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130210.log | GSU 12B-01 | Clear |
February 11 | 26 | 26/Ia | 130211.plan | target log | 130211.log | NOAO 12b-0232, SUNY 12b-11 | Cleat; technical issues; program not completed |
February 12 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130212.log | GSU 12B-01 | Clear |
February 13 | 47 | 47/IIb, 47/Ib | 130213.plan | target log | 130213.log | GSU 12A-04, NOAO 12a-0338 SUNY 12B-31, SUNY 13a-11 |
Clear |
February 14 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130214.log | GSU 12B-01 | Clear |
February 15 | 13 | 13/I | 130215.plan | target log Data | 130215.log | Macri; SUNY 13A-11; Yale 12B-02 | Clear; substitute observer |
February 16 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130216.log | GSU 12B-01 | Clear |
February 17 | 26 | 26/Ia | 130217.plan | target log Data | 130217.log | GSU 12A-04; NOAO 11B-44, NO 12B-0232 SUNY 13A-11, Yale 12b-09 |
Clear |
February 18 | 26 | 26/Ia | GSU12B.plan | target log | 130218.log | GSU 12B-01 | Clear |
February 19 | 13 | 13/I | 130219.plan | target log Data | 130219.log | Macri; SUNY 13A-11; Yale 12B-02 | Clear |
February 20 | 26 | 26/Ia | 130220.plan | target log | 130220.log | NOAO 12B-0232, SUNY 13A-11 | Clear |
A more-or-less current accounting of the useage for the current semester is maintained here.
Except for authorized TOOs, all requests for changes to the schedule must be approved by the scheduler or the PI.
All requests to schedule TOOs, authorized or not, must be made to the scheduler.
The following is a list of spectrograph setups we have used. The most common service observing setups are 13/I, 26/I, 47/Ib, 47/II, 47/IIb, and 58/I. Other setups may be requested when the science requires them, but scheduling efficiency is increased if the standard ones are used as much as possible.
Note: Gratings may not be changed during the night. Grating tilts may be changed, at the cost of some observing efficiency.
Setup Name | Slit | Filter | Coll Focus | Grating Blaze Res (A) | Tilt Wav. Range | Comp exp (sec) | Ystart | Ysize | Yspec |
13/I | 110.5 | clear | 585 | 13 4450 17.2 | 11.58 3146-9374 | He-Ar 120 | 200 | 280 | TBD | 26/I | 110.5 | clear | 565 | 26 3550 4.3 | 15.93 3532-5300 | He-Ar 30 | 214 | 280 | TBD | 26/Ia | 110.5 | clear | 565 | 26 3550 4.3 | 16.14 3660-5440 | He-Ar 30 | 214 | 280 | TBD | 35/I | 110.5 | OG570 | 630 | 35 6750 4.3 | 19.64 5901-7700 | Neon 20 | TBD | 280 | TBD | 47/Ib | 110.5 | GG495 | 595 | 47 7100 3.1 | 22.64 5652-6972 | Neon 20 | 200 | 280 | 164 | 47/II | 83.0 | CuSO4 | 620 | 47 3550 1.6 | 27.39 3878-4552 | He-Ar 45 | 200 | 280 | TBD |
56/II | 83.0 | CuSO4 | 620 | 56 4900 2.2 | 22.90 4017-4938 | He-Ar 60 | 225 | 280 | TBD |
Setup Name |
Slit | Filter | Coll Focus |
Grating Blaze Res (A) |
Tilt Wav. Range |
Comp exp (sec) |
Ystart | Ysize | Yspec | 9/I | 110.5 | clear | 610 | 9 4000 8.6 | 13.21 3505-6956 | He-Ar 30 | 214 | 280 | TBD | 9/Ib | 110.5 | clear | 560 | 9 4000 8.6 | 13.35 3750-7185 | He-Ar 30 | 214 | 280 | TBD | 9/Ic | 110.5 | clear | 560 | 9 4000 8.6 | 13.09 3330-6800 | He-Ar 30 | 214 | 280 | TBD |
11/I | 300 | clear | TBD | 11 8000 16.4 |
TBD 4000-10000 |
He-Ar 50 |
200 | 280 | TBD |
13/Ib | 110.5 | BG38 | 585 | 13 4450 17.2 |
11.58 3500-6500 |
He-Ar 50 |
200 | 280 | TBD |
13/Ic | 83.0 | 490 | 13 4450 17.2 |
11.78 3500-9700 |
He-Ar 50 |
200 | 280 | TBD | 13/Ir | 110.5 | GG495 | 585 | 13 4450 17.2 |
11.58 5000-9374 |
He-Ar 50 |
200 | 280 | TBD | 16/I | 110.5 | clear | 480 | 16 5550 4.8 | 16.21 4200-6150 | He-Ar 30 | 220 | 280 | TBD | 26/Ib | 110.5 | clear | 565? | 26 3550 4.3 | 16.50 3800-5575 | He-Ar 30 | 214 | 280 | TBD | 26/Ic | 110.5 | clear | 565 | 26 3550 4.3 | 15.55 3300-5075 | He-Ar 30 | 214 | 280 | TBD |
32/I | 110 | OG570 | 640 | 32 4900 8.6 | 15.13 5994-9608 | Neon 10 | 285 | 150 | TBD |
32/Ib | 110 | WG360 | 640 | 32 4900 8.6 | 13.45 3800-7250 | He-Ar 20 | 285 | 150 | TBD | 35/Ib | 110.5 | OG570 | 630 | 35 6750 4.3 | 19.81 6000-7800 | Neon 20 | TBD | 280 | TBD | 35/II | 90 | CuSO4 | 630 | 35 6750 4.3 | ??? 3700-4600 | HeNeAr 30 | TBD | 280 | TBD | 47/I | 110.5 | GG495 | 595 | 47 7100 3.1 | 23.45 6010-7335 | Neon 20 | 200 | 280 | 164 | 47/Ic | 155 | OG570 | 650? | 47 7100 3.1 | 27.58 7815-9150 | Neon 10 | 200 | 280 | 164 | 47/Id | 155 | OG570 | 650? | 47 7100 3.1 | 22.42 5550-6870 | Neon 10 | 200 | 280 | 164 | 47/Ie | 110.5 | GG495 | 595 | 47 7100 3.1 | 23.98 6240-7560 | Neon 10 | 200 | 280 | 164 | 47/If | 110.5 | GG495 | 595 | 47 7100 3.1 | 24.40 6475-7675 | Neon 10 | 20 0 | 280 | 164 | 47/Ig | 110.5 | GG495 | 595 | 47 7100 3.1 | 26.70 7500-8700 | Neon 10 | 20 0 | 280 | 164 | 47/Ih | 110.5 | GG495 | 595 | 47 7100 3.1 | 24.26 6400-7600 | Neon 10 | 20 0 | 280 | 164 | 47/IIb | 83.0 | BG 39 | 620 | 47 3550 1.6 | 28.27 4070-4744 | He-Ar 45 | 200 | 280 | TBD | 47/IIc | 83.0 | CuSO4 | 620 | 47 3550 1.6 | 27.91 3990-4664 | He-Ar 45 | 200 | 280 | TBD | 47/IId | 200 | BG 39 | 595 | 47 3550 1.6 | 28.28 4066-4740 | He-Ar 45 | 285 | 150 | TBD | 47/IIe | 200 | BG 39 | 595 | 47 3550 1.6 | 29.63 4426-5100 | He-Ar 45 | 285 | 150 | TBD | 58/I | 83.0 | GG 495 | 595 | 58 8000 6.5 | 16.9 ~6000-9000 | Neon 20 | 285 | 150 | TBD |
Our observer only takes the data, he does not give it to you. You must download your own data.
scp the data from either
Get the v17 password from Fred Walter, or Howard Bond.
Note that as of November 2008 CTIO has tightened their computer security, and are discouraging scp downloads. They are encouraging use of VPN (see this memo).
The data are generally kept on-line at CTIO for a week or two after they
have been taken. The raw data are archived at Stony Brook and at Yale.
An IDL pipeline for reducing RC spectra
An IDL-based pipeline for reducing 1.5m RC spectra is now available.
The manual is available in this pdf file.
The full distribution, including calibration data and data to test the
software on, is here.
The pipeline should run under Linux, with IDL versions 6.2 and later. You will need the IDL Astronomy User's Library in your path.
Caveat: this has not been extensively tested on other systems, so you may
run into missing procedures and undefined environment variables (or hardware
links). Please let me know of any problems and I will correct the problems.
An IDL pipeline for reducing echelle spectra
An IDL-based pipeline for reducing 1.5m queue echelle spectra is now available.
A brief guide is available in this file.
The full distribution, including calibration data, is
This will work only for data taken using the full chip readout.
The pipeline should run under the Linux O/S, with IDL versions 6.2 and later. You will need the IDL Astronomy User's Library in your path.
Caveat: this has not been tested on other systems, so you may run into missing procedures and undefined environment variables (or hardware links). Please let me know of any problems and I will correct the problems.