Finding Charts for SMARTS 1.5m Spectroscopic Targets
2012B semester
All charts are oriented with north up, east to left. Scales and image
sizes vary. Not all charts are annotated.
Unless otherwise noted, the target is the bright star at the center of the
Most charts are gif or jpeg images; postscript and pdf files are
CN Programs
GSU Programs
LEHI Programs
NOAO Programs
Sejong (SJNG) Programs
STSI Programs
SUNY Programs
SUNY -04 (Brown Dwarf candidates)
- delE-319: I band, J band
- delS-219: I band, J band
- delN-88: I band, J band
- epsNE-452: I band, J band
- epsNW-237: I band, J band
- epsNW-411: I band, J band
- epsW-674: I band, J band
- F7-219: I band, J band
- F7-320: I band, J band
- F28-272: I band, J band
- F39-329: I band, J band
- F42-497: I band, J band
- F42-588: I band, J band
- F42-591: I band, J band
- F42-701: I band, J band
- F43-317: I band, J band
- F43-495: I band, J band
- F43-627: I band, J band
- F45-411: I band, J band
- F50-3: I band, J band
- F50-410: I band, J band
- F50-540: I band, J band
- F51-85: I band, J band
- F51-89: I band, J band
- F53-367: I band, J band
- F53-447: I band, J band
- F107-76: I band, J band
- F107-737: I band, J band
- Ori4-842: I band, J band
- Ori4-1296: I band, J band
- Ori4-1484: I band, J band
- LP 412-31 spectral standard, I band
- LP 944-20 spectral standard, I band
- J1048-3956 spectral standard, I band
- LHS 2065 spectral standard, I band
- GJ 1111 spectral standard, I band
- Bri 0021-0021 spectral standard, I band
- 2MASS J0746+2000AB, spectral standard I band, J band
- HD 109962 is a bright, isolated star that needs no chart.
SUNY 08b-18
Finding charts for SUNY 08a-18 targets are online at
this link.
Look for the section titled "Finder Charts for 1.5m Observing Run"
- VB10 (J band)
Miscellaneous targets
Spectrophotometric Standards