FM Walter 8/27/03 revised 1/14/07 SMARTS 1.5m Service Observing Program --- Special list of bright targets for the blue setups --- These targets are to be used on cloudy nights where the normal fainter targets are impractical. These targets are mostly brighter than V=10. Some targets are in the standard plans, some are not. This list will be updated as necessary. - In the case of thick haze, increase exposure times. - In the case of transparent holes between clouds, do not increase exposure times, but take extra exposures to ensure that there are 3 well-exposed spectra. - please try to observe a spectrophotometric standard star. Exposure times are for the grating 26/I setup. If you are using 47/II or 47/IIb, double the exposure times (and the correct for conditions). .............................................................................. Pgm Pri Target RA (J2000) Dec mag Exp Cmp Remarks STSI 05b-02 1 NGC 246 0 47 03.4 -11 52 19 11.8 3x300 2 25 2, RX SUNY 04a-09 1 CF Tuc 0 53 07.8 -74 39 06 7.6 3x200 1 19 2 STSI 04b-03 1 CC Eri 2 34 22.6 -43 47 47 8.9 3x200 1 19 standard 2 HD 22049 3 32 55.8 -09 27 30 3.7 3x 10 1 9 2 SUNY 04a-09 1 HD 22468 3 36 47.3 +00 35 16 5.9 3x 15 1 9 SUNY 04b-10 1 T Tau 4 21 59.4 +19 32 06.4 9.5 3x300 1 24 SUNY 04a-09 1 AB Dor 5 28 44.8 -65 26 54.8 7.0 3x 60 1 12 2 SUNY 07a-15 1 HD 37468 5 38 44.8 -02 36 00.2 3.8 3x 15 1 10 2 cal 1 mu Col 5 54 59.9 -32 18 23.4 5.2 3x 10 1 9 S SUNY 04b-17 1 HD 45166 6 26 19.2 +07 58 28 9.8 3x200 1 19 2 standard 2 HD 47105 6 37 42.7 16 23 57 1.93 3x 1 1 9 2,C cal 1 HD 49798 6 48 04.6 -44 18 59.3 8.3 3x 90 1 14 S SUNY 04a-09 1 HD 93308 10 45 03.6 -59 41 04 6.2 3x 20 1 10 2 eta Car SUNY 04b-10 2 TW Hya 11 01 51.9 -34 42 17.0 11 3x300 1 24 standard 1 Feige 40 11 21 29.3 +11 19 17.0 11.1 3x240 1 21 cal 1 LTT 4364 11 45 37.7 -64 50 25.1 11.5 3x240 1 21 S standard 2 Gl 447 11 47 44.4 +00 48 16 11.1 3x240 1 21 PM SUNY-TOO 1 HD109962 12 39 07.9 -45 33 44 9 3x400 1 29 2, RX STSI 04b-99 1 BZ Cru 12 42 50.3 -63 03 31 5.3 3x 10 2 10 2, standard 2 Gl 514 13 29 59.8 +10 22 38 9.0 3x 60 1 11 PM standard 2 HD119850 13 45 43.8 +14 53 30 8.5 3x 50 1 11 PM STSI 04a-99 1 CD-32 10820 15 28 31.6 -33 08 03 10.9 3x200 1 19 standard 2 HD142860 15 56 27.2 +15 39 41.8 3.9 3x 5 1 9 2 SUNY 05b-10 1 RU Lup 15 56 42.3 -37 49 15.5 11 3x300 1 24 2 SUNY 05b-02 1 EX Lup 16 03 05.5 -40 18 25.9 11.4 3x300 1 24 SUNY 06a-10 1 V866 Sco 16 11 31.4 -18 38 24.5 12 3x300 1 24 SUNY 06a-10 1 V1121 Oph 16 49 15.3 -14 22 08.6 12 3x300 1 24 SUNY 04a-10 2 AK Sco 16 54 44.9 -36 53 18.6 9.1 3x300 1 24 2 standard 1 HD158659 17 30 59.4 -11 11 11.7 10.3 3x240 1 21 standard 1 HD161868 17 47 53.6 +02 42 26.2 3.8 3x 3 1 9 SUNY 06a-11 1 RS Oph 17 50 13.2 -06 42 28.5 12 3x300 1 24 standard 2 Gl 699 17 57 48.5 +04 41 36 9.5 3x 60 1 11 PM SUNY 05b-10 1 V4046 Sgr 18 14 10.5 -32 47 34.5 11 3x300 1 24 2 SUNY 06a-10 2 FK Ser 18 20 22.7 -10 11 14 11 3x300 1 24 2 SUNY 05b-10 1 S CrA 19 01 08.7 -36 57 19.8 11 3x300 1 24 2 standard 2 HD184406 19 34 5.3 +07 22 44 4.45 3x 30 1 12 2 standard 1 HD187642 19 50 47.9 08 52 06 0.77 3x 1 1 9 C STSI 04b-03 1 AU Mic 20 45 09.5 -31 20 27 8.8 3x200 1 19 PM STSI 04b-03 1 AY Ind 21 49 05.8 -72 06 09 9.8 3x200 1 19 STSI 04b-03 1 FK Aqr 22 38 45.6 -20 37 16 9.1 3x200 1 19 cal 1 Feige 110 23 19 58.4 -05 09 56 11.8 3x240 1 21 S ******************** RADIAL VELOCITY STANDARDS *************************** STSI 05b-02 1 6 Cet 0 11 15.9 -15 28 05 4.9 3x 10 2 10 RV std STSI 05b-02 1 10 Tau 3 36 52.4 +00 24 01 4.3 3x 8 2 10 RV std STSI 05b-02 1 beta Vir 11 50 41.7 +01 45 53 3.6 3x 5 2 10 RV std STSI 05b-02 1 5 Ser 15 19 18.8 +01 45 55 5.0 3x 8 2 10 RV std .............................................................................. Remarks: 2: 47/II or 47/IIb target C: best observed through clouds PM: may have significant proper motion. RX: if observed, please observe a radial velocity standard too. S: spectrophotometric standard. Please try to observe at least one each night. Questions may be addressed to: Fred Walter