AST 389: Science Fiction
Learning Outcomes
Updated 16 January 2018
AST 389 satisfies the STAS (Understand Relationships between Science or
Technology and the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences) SBC category.
As such, it must include the following learning outcomes:
- Apply concepts and tools drawn from any field of study in order to
understand the links between science or technology and the arts,
humanities or social sciences.
Synthesize quantitative and/or technical information and qualitative
information to make informed judgments about the reciprocal relationship
between science or technology and the arts, humanities or social sciences.
In this class we use science and technology (introduced through lectures and
the non-fiction readings)
as a tool to examine various gedankenexperimente, largely in the
social sciences, as presented in the readings (arts and humanities).
The two learning outcomes will be assessed in assignments
b and c .
Students are asked to balance the quantitative scientific and technical tools
with appropriate creativity in their assignments.