Astronomy @ Stony Brook

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Major or Minor in Astronomy

Astronomy majors and minors learn problem-solving skills and how to apply physics to understanding the Universe around them. Many of our Astronomy Undergraduates do research in the group during the semester or over the summer. Our graduates often go on to graduate school and find jobs at National Laboratories, observatories, industry, and academia.

Learn About Astronomy Undergrads


  • Astronomy Seminars

    We have weekly Astronomy Seminars, generally on Mon. at 12 noon in our seminar room, ESS 450.

  • Joint Stony Brook / BNL Cosmology Seminars

    Alternating biweekly with the Astronomy seminars are the Joint Stony Brook / BNL Cosmology.

  • Departmental Colloquia

    The Physics and Astronomy colloquia are on Tues. at 4:15p in Harriman 137. Cookies and coffee begin at 4pm.

  • Astro-ph discussion

    The Astronomy group meets weekly on Fri. at 1:00p in ESS 450 to discuss recent papers on astro-ph.

  • Astronomy Open Nights

    The Astronomy Open Night is a public lecture series that takes place generally on the first Friday of each month during the semester (starting at 7:30pm in ESS 001). If the weather is good, viewing through our roof-top telescope follows the lecture.

  • Undergraduate Astronomy Club

    The Stony Brook Astronomy Club meets weekly during the semester. Undergraduates in the club use our rooftop telescope and organize many events throughout the year.